Monday, December 30, 2002

December 30, 2002

     We all slept in very late this morning.  I woke up at 8:38 and jumped out of bed to get RaeAnne up and off to day care.  I then came home, took a quick look at the November list and then I vacuumed the whole house!  I was trying to burn off nervous energy.  I kept thinking there could be a good possibility we would get our referral today.

     I did a good job of staying away from the computer.  I only took the time to check the sites every one to one and a half hours.  I had just checked it and made a post congratulating the new parents plus a statement that IF we received our referral today, it would be late afternoon before we knew.

     The phone rang soon after that and when the person on the other end asked for Mark or Anna...I said "This is Anna."  "Is this THE CALL?"  She said "This is Patty and YES, this is the call!"  I headed up  the stairs to get the list of questions I needed to ask.  I started shaking a little as she started telling me the stats, but I held it together pretty well.

     Huai Feng He was born on 3/7/2002 and entered the Huainan Children's Welfare Institute on 3/10/2002.  This is in the Anhui province.  We will more than likely stay in the capital city of Hefei about 2 hours from Huainan.  Much of the rest of the info is being translated still.  Patty said our packet would be sent FedEx tomorrow morning.  Unfortunately, since New Year's Eve is Wednesday we will probably not receive it until Thursday.  So my plans of the family all being here and present for the first glimpse sort of disappeared.  I asked Patty if she could email us a photo and she did about one hour later.  In the meantime, Daddy and I decided that as long as the translation was the same, we would name her---KaeLynn FengHe VanCamp.  I think my feet were off the ground!

     I started sending our referral news to all the egroups, family and friends.  I was checking my email every few minutes it seemed, waiting for the picture.  Then when it came, we hesitated only briefly deciding if we should get out the camcorder.  I don't think Daddy or I could wait that long!

     As soon as I opened the email and gazed at her photo I said "She's beautiful!"   Daddy said, "She looks like a keeper!"  Then I started crying like a baby!  It was such a relief after waiting 405 days to see that precious face.  But now the real wait begins.  New Hope does not think we will travel until March!  That's a long time to wait!  Nicholas' first comment was her shirt was too big!

     I barely left the computer the rest of the day.  Lots of our fellow Novembers' received their referrals too.  Unfortunately, many are going to have to wait longer.  I joined the Huainan egroup to find out about the orphanage.  It sounds like the babies get real good care there.  I also want to find out a lot about Hefei where we will be staying.  Everyone so far has had only good things to say about the area.

     Tonight I pried myself away from the computer long enough for us to go eat Chinese.  RaeAnne loves her "noodles".  We also confirmed with Patty that Lin would be our facilitator.

     I talked to our travel mate Shari this afternoon.  Her new daughter was born 3/4/2002---Her name is Huai Feng Xin.  She will be named Hayley.

     What a day!  I hope I can sleep tonight!  Wow!  We have another beautiful daughter from China!  Life is great!

Sunday, December 29, 2002

December 29, 2002

     Mark's 49th birthday!  We celebrated with RaeAnne and Nicholas singing Happy Birthday to Daddy.  We took him out to eat lunch at the Outback Steakhouse and then Mommy took him to the Mall to pick out his present.  I have learned that sometimes letting Daddy pick his own present is better.

     We are really hopeful that the current rumors that have been on the November DTC list are true.  We hope to have our referral before New Year's Eve!  It would be perfect if we did.  Nicholas will be here until Wednesday and he was here when RaeAnne's referral came.  Nicholas was the first family member to see RaeAnne's picture.  This time we will set up the camcorder and open it as a family.  Unfortunately, if we get the pictures after Nicholas has gone home we will have to open it anyway, because Mommy will not be able to wait two weeks for him to come back!

Monday, December 9, 2002

December 9, 2002

     The Nov2001DTC list started out early today with several referrals coming in.  I started to get excited thinking that maybe today was the day we have been waiting for.  Some how though, I knew we still needed to wait a while longer.

     I did break down and email New Hope with some questions I had been meaning to ask.  I also asked the big questions to which I received the "Not Yet" answer.  I called our travel mate Shari tonight.  She said the same thing happened to her last time.  She called and then got "The Call" a few days later.  She is very positive that we will have our referral very soon.

     I am getting over a very nasty cold and really didn't feel up to par today.  Our weather is turning colder again.  Nicholas wants to go with us so bad that he told his Mom he would give up all electronics for 5 months.  He is going to talk with his teachers to see if they feel he would miss too much being gone for 2 weeks.

     Our travel mate also suggested that we travel at least one day early to get some rest.  We think that might be a very good idea.

     This is day 327 of waiting.

Tuesday, December 3, 2002

December 3, 2002

     Sent out Christmas cards today.  We received one from,  Shari who will be in our travel group cute yesterday.  It is very cold and windy today and tonight it started snowing.  RaeAnne was very excited to see it.

     I have been trying to get many things done before our referral is here.  I have a lot of things in the basement that I need to go through again.  It is always something.

     I received the neatest gift from my Secret Pal in Colorado today.  It had a beautiful silver necklace with a small charm that says "Forever."  This is to recognize that our adoptions are forever.  Also there was a cute piggy bank and a wonderful board book for the girls.  It was such a wonderful gesture from one mother to another.  I don't know for sure who she is, but I do have a good guess.

Sunday, December 1, 2002

December 1, 2002

     Here it is the first of December already.  I put up the Christmas tree and strung on the lights Friday.  RaeAnne was so excited to see it.  This morning Daddy, Nicholas, RaeAnne and I put the decorations on and tool our traditional picture in front of the tree.  Janea opted to sleep in this morning.

     The girls went shopping this afternoon.  We had fun at a craft show and then at the Mall.  RaeAnne would not sit on Santa's lap for a picture.  She is very convinced that Santa might bite!

     I have all our stockings hanging by the fireplace.  I have KaeLynn's there too.  I am still positive that we will have our referral by Christmas.  I am starting to get antzy!

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

November 26, 2002

     New Hope group 11 of 2001's referrals came in yesterday.  That means we are NEXT!  I am getting excited, nervous, scared and worried all at the same time.  I am excited that after this long, long wait we will finally see our child's beautiful face.  Nervous about how she will react to us.  Scared that RaeAnne will not like her new sister.  And worried how long we will have to wait before we travel to China.  It is such a time of turmoil!

     PopPop came today to be here for Thanksgiving.  I told him about his becoming a PopPop again.  He didn't act too mad!  I hope he understands how important this is to me.  He did turn down the chance to go to China with us.  No getting him out of the country!  I still don't know how it is going to work out...if we can afford for all of us to make the trip.  I really want the family to go, but we will have to see what our financial situation is at the time to travel.

     I was busy today getting ready for Thanksgiving.  It was very cold and windy today.  Real winter weather.

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

November 19, 2002

     My birthday!  A very busy day.  Mark surprised me with a 5 drawer wicker dresser and a dozen red roses.  I was busy cleaning this morning as Teresa W. our social worker came this afternoon to write our addendum for our home study to take to China with us.  Then Janea took us all out for Italian for my birthday.  I just wish we would get our referral.  Our dossier has been in China one year tomorrow!

Monday, November 11, 2002

November 11, 2002

     Referrals came in last week for the end of September.  Only a handful of October people received theirs.  New Hope received group 10's referrals.  Looks like things are slowing down again.

     Wendy Schoof emailed us that she hopes to adopt a special needs child soon.  She is filling out all her paperwork with New Hope.

     We had family pictures yesterday.  Next time our family will be complete as our child will be home from China.

     RaeAnne has been turning into a terrible three year old!  She is getting very bossy!

Monday, October 21, 2002

October 21, 2002

     I planted some irises in the front of the yard today.  I am going to start my painting project again.  I hope to get more of the painting done before we get our referral.  There is a lot of talk on the APC group that we may get our referral before Christmas like I have hoped for all along.

Friday, September 20, 2002

September 20, 2002

     Today marked 2 anniversaries.  The first, our dossier has been in China for 10 months now.  I am still hoping that we will hear something by Christmas.

     Our second celebration today is for Rae Day.  It was two years ago today that we became a forever family.  Daddy had to go to Great Bend to spend the night with Nicholas, so Janea, RaeAnne and I went out for Mexican food at LaMesa.  Rae also got a new Barney video.  It amazes me that it has been two years already.  I think we fall in love more deeply with this little munchkin each day!

     My surgeon gave me a clean bill of health today.  Janea and I shopped until I dropped for an outfit for me to wear to a wedding tomorrow.  I am not used to so much physical activity.  I have my work cut out for me to get back in shape for China!

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

September 10, 2002

     I had a rough night last night.  I started having more pain.  The doctor told me this morning that they put a lot of pressure in the incision area during surgery and that today and tomorrow might be kind of rough.  I am still doing better than last time.

     When Daddy picked up RaeAnne from day care last night, Rhonda said that Rae needed to go see the doctor for her runny nose. So Janea took her to the Doctor this morning.  Rae has a sinus, ear and eye infection.  The doctor said she should stay home from daycare today and tomorrow.  Janea is going to stay with her.  It sounds like they are doing really good together.  It will be interesting to see how the afternoon nap goes.  I am really sad that I can't be home to take care of my munchkin.  Daddy says she is acting like she feels good, so that will help.

     One of the nurses told me yesterday that realistically, I might not be back to 100% for 4 to 6 months!  I sure hope she is wrong.  I am going to try to push myself harder this time.  I knew that the last surgery was major enough and the way I felt I knew there was no way I could get back on my feet quickly last time.  I was really worried that I was still not strong enough for this surgery, but so far so good.

Sunday, September 8, 2002

September 8, 2002

     I can't believe  I haven't written in this for so long.  It has been a few very trying and busy months.  I had major surgery in July on the 22nd.  After years of suffering with my ulcerative colitis the doctor told me I had to have my colon removed.  So I was in the hospital for 8 days.  After being a nurse since 1994 and taking care of patients, I became one.  It is much nicer to take care of patients than to be one.

     It was a very major surgery and I had a lot of setbacks along the way.  I was very weak for the first 4 weeks and was not allowed to lift over 5 pounds.  This was very hard on RaeAnne and I.  Mommy couldn't carry her and holding her was painful.  RaeAnne and Daddy formed a very strong bond during this time.  It has been very good for them, but Mommy has to admit that it makes her jealous.

     The surgery is actually a two part operation.  For the first part they removed my colon and gave me an ileostomy. They also formed a pouch inside called a J-pouch. I am now in the hospital recovering from the doctor reversing the ileostomy and connecting me to my J-pouch. I am to be in the hospital for 2 to 5 days according to the doctor and then recover at home for 4 to 6 weeks. This surgery has been much less painful than the last so far.

     RaeAnne has been such a trooper throughout all this.  Daddy brought her to see me everyday.  She was a little leary of Mommy during the first surgery as I had all kinds of tubes all over my body.  This time she is old hat at it.

     We also had lots of excitement at home during this time.  Janea moved in with us the last of August.  She is now job hunting and her and Rae are developing a great relationship.  Janea hopes to find a job in finance and put her degree to work.  Then she wants to pay off some bills and buy a new car.  We are happy to have her with us and it will be so good for her and Rae.

     I posted to the November and December DTC lists about my surgery and I have received so many kind words, gifts, cards and prayers that I have been overwhelmed.  Our referral is getting closer all the time.  New Hope's group 7 of 2001 received theirs a couple of weeks ago, so there are only 4 more groups before ours.  I am still hoping that we hear something by the end of December, but will try to hang in there and wait if it is longer.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

July 16, 2002

     Have been working on getting the kitchen, family room and hallway painted.  Will be done by tomorrow.  I would like to have the upstairs bathroom done before my surgery.

     Four more days and our dossier has been in China for 8 months!.  That means another 5 to 6 month wait, but we are on the downhill slide.  I am looking forward to feeling so much better this trip.  However, I am nervous about my surgery.  Mark is in Denton, Texas for work.  He will be home Thursday.  He is taking Monday of for my surgery.  PopPop is going to come down to be here for the surgery too.

     I am participating in a cyber shower with the December DTC group.  My partner has sent Gymboree Polka Dot dress and socks and 3 books from Amazon with ladybug themes.  I had to send a gift to Canada.  Not Cheap!  $13.25 just to mail the package!  It has been fun and has helped the time pass more quickly.

Saturday, July 6, 2002

July 6, 2002

     All the firecrackers are done for this year.  As we did not have Nicholas, we did not buy any fireworks.  We actually spent the night at PopPop's.  Lenora had a ban on fireworks, so it was very quiet there.  We signed papers to have a realtor try to sell our house in Edmond.  We also cleaned the house and brought home the last of our things from up there.

     RaeAnne was playing with PopPop's canned foods and dropped one on her second toe of her left foot.  The toenail is a pretty black and blue.

     I am going to have surgery on July 22nd.  After years of suffering with my ulcerative colitis, I am having my colon removed.  It will be hard for Rae to understand why Mommy can't pick her up for a while.  And it will be very hard on Mommy to be away from Rae while I am in the hospital.  But the surgeon says I will start feeling so much better and be healthy by the time we go to China.  I am going to have to hurry and get a bunch of my painting done in the next week.  I don't think I will feel like it after my surgery.

Friday, June 28, 2002

June 28, 2002

     Our reunion in St. Louis was a great success.  We are already planning next years!  Of course, it will depend on when and referral and travel is.  We would really like it if everyone would come here.  I guess we will have to wait and see.

     I have been busy painting the kitchen and family rooms.  I am really pleased with the results so far.  I used a paint called Mountain Gloaming.  It is a real pretty purple.  Daddy even likes it.  Next will be the hallways and then off to our bedroom.

     We had such a good time in St. Louis.  All the girls are growing up to be such beautiful toddlers.  RaeAnne and Kira are the same size and seemed to hit if off as good buds.  RaeAnne was so good on our trip.  We gave up her ba-ba while there.  It was sort of an accident.  Somehow we lost her bottle.  So far so good, she does ask for it once in a while, but we are getting by without it.

     We are to get the photos back from Sears in July.  It was very interesting to say the least, trying to get 4 toddlers to sit still.  It was Christen's first time for professional photos. We were able to get 3 pictures in 30 minutes.  Oh well.  There is always next year.

Sunday, June 9, 2002

June 9, 2002

     Tonight we watched a show on the Hallmark Channel called "Adoption".  The show tonight featured a couple from New York who received twins from China using New Hope-our agency!  We got to see Lin in China on the show.  I was pretty teary watching it.  It makes me feel closer-yet so far away.

     Tomorrow will be busy.  Cleaning, the air-conditioner people are to come fix our AC upstairs, the bug man will be here and I am going to start packing.  We found a mouse alive in the basement tonight.  Oh well, I thought city living was better!

Friday, June 7, 2002

June 7, 2002

     Pam has the top of RaeAnne's quilt done!  She is working on the embroidery.  I visited with Wendy Schoof and Kira last night.  They are excited about our trip.  We will be there this time next week!  We are sad and disappointed that Kim and her family will not be there or Heidi and Jade, but the rest of us will have a ball!

     Papa was here Wednesday to see us.  I visited with my Aunt Jo today and told her we will be going back to China.  She is excited and happy for us.  It doesn't sound like my Uncle John is doing very well.  I think he is in his 90's.

     Our air conditioner upstairs is giving us trouble now.  Fortunately it hasn't been too hot.  Only 86 degrees today.  I am coming down with a nasty sinus infection.  I hope to be well to go on our trip.

Friday, May 31, 2002

May 31, 2002

     Pam started RaeAnne's quilt!  She has the top three rows pieced together and posted a picture on the website.  It is going to be so pretty!

     Referrals are coming in on the APC list today.  People with April and early May 2001 DTC dates.  That means there are 6 more months of referrals ahead of us.

     We ate at McDonald's tonight.  There was a set of grandparents there with their granddaughter from China.  Her name is Megan and she has only been home about a year.  She was a real cutie and 3 years old.  Daddy had fun visiting with them.  Daddy is still not too excited about the long trip back to China.  However, I am ready to go now!!

Thursday, May 30, 2002

May 30, 2002

     My quilt lady has received the squares, has bought the border and back fabrics and will start on RaeAnne's quilt this week.  It is neat, she has a website set up to post pictures of fabric and the lay-out of the quilts.  I can watch as they go together.

     Today I found a ladybug in our kitchen.  RaeAnne calls them "baby bugs"!  Many believe that ladybugs are good luck.  Or I should say those who are adopting from China do.  I have been rethinking KaeLynn's name.  Have been thinking AshLynn sounds good.  Hurry before I change my mind!

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

May 22, 2002

     Here we are past the 6 month mark in this long wait!  The time has definitely gone by faster this time.  I think the move in October then the holidays, then working from January to May.  Having RaeAnne here keeps me very busy too!  I sent the quilt squares off to Pam Smith in Washington for her to start on the piecing together.  I can't wait to see them finished.  I still have enough squares left over to work on smaller quilts myself.  I hope to put together a couple of crib size quilts from the pieces.

     I sent off another letter to the two couples in our travel group.  Hope to hear from them, but no problem if we don't.  I am so anxious to see our travel group 10 of 1999 in St. Louis in about 3 weeks.

     I have been having a hard time stopping myself from buying matching outfits for RaeAnne and KaeLynn.  I have been reading about people receiving referrals for boys when they have asked for girls.  Of course, last time I kept thinking we would receive twins and that didn't happen.  I am very curious to see my child's face!  Hurry up referrals.  Of course, we have to wait for the right time for the right child.

     I am also hoping that the right job comes along for me in the next month or so.  I have a lot to do yet here in the house to catch up.  They say you can never catch up and I am beginning to believe that!

Monday, May 6, 2002

May 6, 2002

     I wanted to sit down  and write in the last week, but have been too busy.  I quit my job last week, May 2nd, after being so upset and ready to quit in March.  I let them talk me into staying when I should have gone with my gut feeling then.  Friday and Saturday Jody, Shelly and I had a garage sale here.  Then Aunt Mary and Uncle Don celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  We had Aunt Martha and Grandma Great stay here with us.  RaeAnne is going to stay in daycare 3 days a week.   I am going to play catch up with my cleaning and then I will job search again.

Monday, April 29, 2002

April 29, 2002

     Received our sponsorship packet from Holt today.  I couldn't believe it!  Our child is from Guigang!  She was born 12/18/2001 almost the same day as RaeAnne.  Then our toy in our Happy Meal tonight was a ladybug bot.  After a bad day at work I needed some really neat things to give me a lift.  These "red threads" definitely did the trick!

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

April 24, 2002

     I have all my quilt squares cut and in the mail.  The sponsorship money is off to the agency's.  New Hope sent us a letter that they are going to increase their fees by $650.00,   It is always something!  It is getting closer to June and our reunion.  We have been busy making plans via email.  We are going on a riverboat cruise, to see the arch, the zoo, baseball game and to have the girls' photo taken.  I can't wait!  I have also joined the Secret Pal exchange on the December group.  Work is getting better, still wish I could just work part-time.  Jody and I are going to have a garage sale in less than 2 weeks too.

     I have been wondering a lot lately, has KaeLynn been born?  I am getting so anxious to go back to China!  I am also nervous about taking RaeAnne back.  I hope she travels well.  I have been thinking about her and I flying to St. Louis to see how she travels.

     Side note here:  I have really been hoping that KaeLynn or Dalton is born in May or June!  It was be nice to have a spring or summer birthday.

Saturday, April 13, 2002

April 13, 2002

     I volunteered to be the treasurer for the Dec2001DTC group to sponsor two children in China for one year each.  We are using Half the Sky and Holt.  I have been busy gathering and keeping track of the money.  Plus I just joined two more quilt swaps!  Then I was sick Thursday and Friday.  Now RaeAnne is running a fever and coughing.  We are both on antibiotics.  We had another cyber shower on both the November and December groups.  It is fun to have these things to keep me busy during the wait.  I am not happy with my job, so this gives me something to look forward too.  Our weather is warming up.  We are supposed to hit 80 degrees tomorrow.

Sunday, March 24, 2002

March 24, 2002

     We attended the From China With Love Easter Egg hunt yesterday at the park.  RaeAnne was excited to see the Easter bunny until she got close to him and saw how big he was.   Then she would have nothing to do with him again.  But she did have fun hunting for eggs.   There were a couple of babies there who have only been home a couple of weeks.  I can't wait!  RaeAnne had fun with the babies.

     More quilting pieces are coming in.  I have about 80 squares for each girl.  I need about 150 per girl.

     There are a couple of families here who I have been in contact with that want to adopt from China again.  I think that is great!  I am so excited to go back for a sibling for RaeAnne.  I know there will be days she will wish I hadn't, but someday she will understand.

     We are 4 months into the wait.

Friday, March 1, 2002

March 1, 2002

     I was dreaming early this morning that we had received our referral!  Is this a red thread?  RaeAnne interrupted my dream with a nightmare of her own.  Today at work my blood pressure was extremely high for me.  My co-workers insisted that I go to the emergency room to be checked out.  Of course, everything was okay.  It was a wasted trip.

     Tonight we are having a winter storm move into Wichita.  The wind chill is to be below zero.  The wind is to be strong and cold all weekend, so we will probably stay in the house all weekend.

     Daddy is on his way to Arkansas to buy his "new" car.  Hope the weather doesn't get too bad so he can make it home.  I have contracted with Pam Smith to make our two 100 Good Wishes quilts.  I joined another swap so will have to get busy cutting fabric.  The quilts are going to be so pretty.  I hope the girls like them as much as I am going too.

     We are now over 3 months into the wait.  That hopefully means about 10 more months.  It will be interesting to see KaeLynn's birthdate.  Is it March 1st?

Saturday, February 16, 2002

February 16, 2002

     Brian Higgins calls.  He has pictures from inside the babies rooms at Guigang.  RaeAnne is in one of the pictures!  We are so thankful this man took the time to track us down!  This is an amazing red thread to me.  Our weather this weekend has been in the 50's and 60's.  Winter?  Weather!  RaeAnne is finally getting over her cold, but now I have it!

     That is RaeAnne in the front pink walker.  The earliest photo we have of her!!

Sunday, February 10, 2002

February 10, 2002

     We had a cyber shower in our NovDTC group.  Everyone met in the chat room to open gifts.  We received a Winnie the Pooh outfit and rattle.  RaeAnne and I went shopping today at WalMart and bought a cherry outfit and hat and I got RaeAnne's Valentine's Day gift.  A Barney VHS and a red outfit.  Very windy today!

Saturday, February 9, 2002

February 9, 2002

     We attended the Wichita Chinese Associations New Year Party this evening.  Lots and lots of beautiful children there.  Mark and I has several beauties picked out.  We decided that our next child would be born in the year of the horse which starts on the 12th of this month.  Now we will wait and see if we are right.  We are leaving the year of the snake-that is what Daddy is.  Mommy is a dog.

     Our weather is very windy with some snow and rain mix.  RaeAnne and Nicholas had a good time at the party.

Tuesday, February 5, 2002

February 5, 2002

     It is snowing again today and tonight.  RaeAnne has to see a pediatric eye doctor the end of this month.  Her right eye continues to have trouble with the eyelashes rolling in.

     I emailed with another family who received their referral from Guigang.  The lady has a cousin who is also Christie VanCamp.  Talk about red threads.  I wonder if this is our red thread to another Guigang baby?  I send quilt squares off to Norway today.  Hope to get some from there soon too.  Am excited to get the squares in the mail and see all the pretty colored fabric and wonderful wishes.

Sunday, February 3, 2002

February 3, 2002

     Called Shari Gabbard from Ohio tonight.  She is a single mother who adopted her first daughter one year before we did RaeAnne.  She also wants to take her daughter to China with her.  I also visited LeAnne from our first group.  They are anxious to meet us in St. Louis this June.  It will be so much fun to see the girls together this summer.  Heidi is scared to fly.  We don't know if she will make it in June.  We hope she does.

     Shari's first daughter Valarie is from the same orphanage that Kim's daughter is from.  Kunming in the Yunnan province.  She did not request in her letter for another daughter from the same orphanage again.  She wanted to leave it up to chance.  They will be a part of our travel group.  There are two other couples who we haven't heard anything back from yet.  Shari also wishes that we have our babies home by Christmas.

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

January 29, 2002

     Referrals have been coming in on the APC website.  It is exciting to see the announcements.  The parents are so excited and happy.  One couple was really surprised by a boy!  Most of the babies are under one year of age and some are only 6 months.  We have had our paperwork in China for 69 days now.

     I am starting to feel more comfortable at my job now.  And getting up 5 days a week is starting to get easier.  We are finally having some wintery weather here.  Freezing rain which is to turn to snow.  RaeAnne almost fell down on the ice tonight.  It really did surprise her.

Saturday, January 26, 2002

January 26, 2002

     Lots of time has passed since I have had time to write.  I started a new job on the 3rd.  I am working full time at the Cancer Center of Kansas.  It has been a real adjustment to work 5 days a week.  Plus giving chemotherapy is so different from working in a hospital.  RaeAnne has had to make her own adjustments going to daycare.  She would cry everyday when I drop her off.  Mom wanted to cry all the way to work and just turn around and take her home!  It is starting to get easier.

     I have joined the NovDTC2001 quilters group.  The goal is to swap squares and wishes with our other members and then make a 100 good wishes quilt.  This is a Chinese tradition.  I wish I had known about this when we were waiting for RaeAnne's referral.  I will also swap squares with the DTC group to get enough.  Then I will have to learn how to sew them together.  Working full-time cuts into my free time.

     I have also seen my gastroenterologist who put me on some new pills for my colitis.  I hope this is the right combination