Friday, May 31, 2002

May 31, 2002

     Pam started RaeAnne's quilt!  She has the top three rows pieced together and posted a picture on the website.  It is going to be so pretty!

     Referrals are coming in on the APC list today.  People with April and early May 2001 DTC dates.  That means there are 6 more months of referrals ahead of us.

     We ate at McDonald's tonight.  There was a set of grandparents there with their granddaughter from China.  Her name is Megan and she has only been home about a year.  She was a real cutie and 3 years old.  Daddy had fun visiting with them.  Daddy is still not too excited about the long trip back to China.  However, I am ready to go now!!

Thursday, May 30, 2002

May 30, 2002

     My quilt lady has received the squares, has bought the border and back fabrics and will start on RaeAnne's quilt this week.  It is neat, she has a website set up to post pictures of fabric and the lay-out of the quilts.  I can watch as they go together.

     Today I found a ladybug in our kitchen.  RaeAnne calls them "baby bugs"!  Many believe that ladybugs are good luck.  Or I should say those who are adopting from China do.  I have been rethinking KaeLynn's name.  Have been thinking AshLynn sounds good.  Hurry before I change my mind!

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

May 22, 2002

     Here we are past the 6 month mark in this long wait!  The time has definitely gone by faster this time.  I think the move in October then the holidays, then working from January to May.  Having RaeAnne here keeps me very busy too!  I sent the quilt squares off to Pam Smith in Washington for her to start on the piecing together.  I can't wait to see them finished.  I still have enough squares left over to work on smaller quilts myself.  I hope to put together a couple of crib size quilts from the pieces.

     I sent off another letter to the two couples in our travel group.  Hope to hear from them, but no problem if we don't.  I am so anxious to see our travel group 10 of 1999 in St. Louis in about 3 weeks.

     I have been having a hard time stopping myself from buying matching outfits for RaeAnne and KaeLynn.  I have been reading about people receiving referrals for boys when they have asked for girls.  Of course, last time I kept thinking we would receive twins and that didn't happen.  I am very curious to see my child's face!  Hurry up referrals.  Of course, we have to wait for the right time for the right child.

     I am also hoping that the right job comes along for me in the next month or so.  I have a lot to do yet here in the house to catch up.  They say you can never catch up and I am beginning to believe that!

Monday, May 6, 2002

May 6, 2002

     I wanted to sit down  and write in the last week, but have been too busy.  I quit my job last week, May 2nd, after being so upset and ready to quit in March.  I let them talk me into staying when I should have gone with my gut feeling then.  Friday and Saturday Jody, Shelly and I had a garage sale here.  Then Aunt Mary and Uncle Don celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  We had Aunt Martha and Grandma Great stay here with us.  RaeAnne is going to stay in daycare 3 days a week.   I am going to play catch up with my cleaning and then I will job search again.